Hand Hygiene

Washing your hands is one of the best and most effective ways to keep your environment clean. These mild, gentle skin care products help assure a higher rate of hand hygiene by limiting the risk of infection, skin irritation, and dryness. Whether for high-risk, routine, or frequent applications, these skin care technologies are the gold standard within the healthcare industry.

*Read more about the applied infection control products label change effective November 2017.

Thank you for your interest in the hand hygiene products from STERIS.  As part of our response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, STERIS Life Sciences is focused on meeting the needs of our pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device manufacturing Customers.  

For Health Care providers, we recommend you contact SC Johnson / DebMed 

For others, we recommend that you follow the recommendations from the World Health Organization.  

Alcohol Hand Rinses and Handrubs

Antimicrobial hand sanitizers that do not require water.                                            

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