Verify® Process Challenge Devices are completely self-contained biological indicators for monitoring steam and ethylene oxide (EO) gas sterilization processes. Each test pack contains a single spore species in a vial, along with a specially formulated soybean casein digest growth medium.
STERIS Verify Process Challenge Devices are for use in monitoring steam or ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization processes. Each test pack is pre-assembled for convenience and ease of use, and utilizes the Verify Self Contained Biological Indicator. Verify Process Challenge Devices exhibit the same biological resistance pattern as properly assembled AAMI test packs, but with fewer steps and less chance of error. Chemical indicators in each device, as well as on each SCBI, provide immediate proof of processing. After incubation, a vivid color change in the growth medium from deep blue to bright yellow gives unmistakable evidence of microbial growth.
STERIS Verify Process Challenge Devices (PCD) are pre-assembled challenge test packs that combine a Self Contained Biological Indicator (SCBI) and a chemical indicator inside a complicated outer package. The outer package provides a torturous path that is difficult to sterilize and presents a significant challenge to your sterilization process. Each device should be placed above the drain in a sterilizer. After sterilization, each SCBI can be removed from the outer package and activated using a special tool that allows the disc inoculated with spores to contact the media. The SCBI is then placed in the appropriate incubator. After 24 hours for steam or 48 hours for ethylene oxide, microbial growth is indicated by a distinct blue to yellow color change of the media.
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